In this exciting installment of our historical weapon series, the Guild Urban Craft & Folk Art School brings you the most powerful medieval pole arm, the Halberd! A legendary weapon carried into battle. During this three day course, students will forge and fabricate their epic one of kind Halberd with hands on instruction.
All tools, materials and personal safety equipment will be provided.
***This is an intermediate level workshop with a prerequisite of our Introduction to Blacksmithing class.***
Friday, November 26 6PM - 9PM
Saturday, November 27 12PM - 5PM
Sunday, November 28, 12PM - 5PM
Additional time might be added as needed during open studio hours.
Book Online
Location & Contact Details
Tel: 19549983473
205 NW 16th St, Pompano Beach, Florida, USA
Cancellation Policy: Since most of our workshops book up months in advance...If you must, please only cancel or reschedule 72 hours prior to your appointment out of courtesy to people on our wait-lists. Inside of the 72 hour window we reserve the right not to refund or reschedule. Thank you for your understanding